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where can i buy Lurasidone over the counterPresident Lincoln’s Satirical Spy during the Civil War, was a native and an ally from the state of Missouri. One of Lincoln’s most precious assets, was a continuing stream of information regarding political sentiment and sympathies, not only from the eastern press, but especially the western territories and the pacific coast. Most of the intelligence that the President received was warped or bent by the power brokers of politics and industry. What Lincoln needed was a network of stealthy allies, that could secretly traffic intelligence, on a regular basis, and not expose their location, loyalties or identities.

Lincoln’s body-guard and personal confidant, Ward Hill Lamon, shared with the President the story of a young man he had met before the war, who was from Missouri, was familiar with the Mississippi River and had many life long friends and business associates in the south. At the beginning of the war, he had briefly joined a Confederate Militia unit, became disenchanted with the cause and traveled west with his brother. Lamon explained that this man, was not only sharp and witty, but he had a knack for story telling and was currently employed writing satirical columns for several newspapers in Nevada and California.

President Lincoln gave Lamon the authorization to contact the reporter in San Francisco and see if he wouldn’t gather and transmit information from the west coast hidden in the satire of his articles. Not only was the young scribe enthusiastic, but he immediately answered Lamon’s request with an affirmative comical answer, disguised within the text of an article, appearing in the next edition. Lincoln might have bit off more than he could chew. The clever west coast operative kept the President and Lamon rolling in laughter and strategic comedy for the duration of the war. Lincoln and Lamon were never sure that any of the columns gained a tactical advantage, but the stories and the talents of the Satirical Spy and Ally From Missouri kept both smiling for the remainder of the Civil War.


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