Lincoln Pig Tale or Stanton Follows the President

Lincoln told a pig tale and referred how Stanton follows the President wherever he travels. Of course he was describing the insistence of Secretary of War, Stanton, in joining President Lincoln on a visit to the Soldiers Home to check on the wounded.

It was late in 1864 and the Union troopers, that were stationed at the Home, were becoming extremely antsy and discouraged, afraid that they would not have the opportunity to get in on the action and possible victory at the front.

So it happened, when President Lincoln arrived and was walking through the trooper encampment, one of the young soldiers related to the President that their duties were being wasted behind the lines and could be of a greater benefit at the front.

Lincoln listened intently to the youthful trooper and then related loudly enough for all to hear;

“Well my boy, that reminds me of an old farmer friend of mine in Illinois, who used to say he never could understand why the Lord put a curl in a pig’s tail; it did not seem to him to be useful or ornamental, but he guessed the Lord knew what he was doing when he put it there. I do not myself see the necessity of having soldiers traipsing around after me wherever I go, but Stanton, who knows a great deal more about such things than I do, seems to think it is necessary, and he may be right; and if it is necessary to have soldiers here, it might as well be you as someone else. If you were sent to the front, some one would have to come from the front to take your place.” Then softly, he admonished the young soldier; “It is a soldier’s duty to obey orders without question, and in doing that you can serve your country as faithfully here as at the front and I reckon it is not quite as dangerous here as it is there.”

Lincoln waved his good-bye and as he left, the other young troopers knew that none of them would ever dare ask the President for a transfer to the front.


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