Tennessee Wisdom or Smoky Mountain Matriarch

Grandma BTennessee Wisdom, of Rhoda Belle, Bummer’s Smoky Mountain Matriarch, manifested itself in the many tales of the trials and tribulations during the Civil War. Grandma Belle’s innate Tennessee mountain wisdom was in many ways based on the strength and tenacity exhibited by the women left at home to fend for themselves and families, while the men were off fighting the Civil War. She explained, to the young Bummer, how these home front women warriors, held the family together, through an ethic of hard work, faith and a belief in the righteousness of a cause. Almost every tale’s underlying moral was,

“Actions, speak louder than words!”

One of Bummer’s fondest memories of Grandma Belle, is her recalling the tale of the Dixie Boys visiting late at night, when the men folk were off on the battle field. The night riders wanted food and drink, there was little if any to share. One of brothers tried to explain to the intruders the details of the circumstances and he was cuffed aside by one of the brigands. Grandma Belle had heard and seen enough, she grabbed her Navy Colt revolver and ordered all out of her house. The way she told it, none of the Dixie Boys could exit fast enough, none of them wanted any truck with this deadly Smoky Mountain mother and her lack of hospitality.

Grandma Belle, always knew how to end a story for the young Bummer,

If you want anything said, ask a man, but if you want something done ask a woman!


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